MODIS pixel bit strings conversion with R

MODIS satellite images come with bit information regarding the quality of pixels. In this post, I’ll explore how to interpret these bits and categorize them for quality filtering using R.


August 24, 2024

What are we going to do?

While working with some MODIS Surfance Reflectance product images, my goal was to
calculate 4 vegetation indices to estimate Gross Primary Production. Alongside the standard considerations of selecting images free from snow or clouds, I knew that every pixel comes with Quality Assurance (QA) information. This QA data is important to decide whether to include or exclude certain pixels from the analysis.

Nonetheless, I found myself confused about how to perform this task on the many pixels I had, and furthermore, how to deal with the transformation of bits into categories that I could understand and then filter in R according to their quality.

Luckily there were documentation sources available that I could go through to understand and make progress on my project. One particularly helpful resource was a blog post by Steve Mosher, where I got a better understanding of what needed to be done. So I wrote down everything it worked for me and finally put it here, step by step.


This is an exercise to understand how the binary conversion works. There are easier ways to work with satellite images and their quality assurance data.

MODIS and the bit strings

The MODIS dataset includes surface spectral reflectance from bands 1 through 7, with a spatial resolution of 500m, and incorporates corrections for atmospheric conditions such as aerosols, gases, and Rayleigh scattering (Vermote 2021). Additionally, it provides QA data that enables the removal of pixels with low quality, which could otherwise affect our analysis. The MODIS reference manual offers detailed technical documentation on how the variables are encoded and how these values can be interpreted.

The reason for this is that satellite images tend to be large, so encoding variables helps to compress the data.

Variables with bit strings

There are 4 variables in the dataset with a bitmask that needs to be converted:

  • state_1km
  • gflags
  • qc_500m
  • q_scan

According to the technical documentation, this variables contain information about the state of the atmosphere and surface at a 1 km resolution (state_1km), geolocation of the pixel (gflags), quality of the surface reflectance data for bands 1-7 (qc_500m), and info about the scan level quality of the data (q_scan)

Let’s read the dataset to explore what do we have originally in here

# Data
reflectance_500 <- 

How many unique values do I have per each of the quality variables?

reflectance_500 |>
  select(state_1km, gflags, qc_500m, q_scan) |> 
 [1]  1033 40969  8392  1034 40970  5384  1289  1801 45068  1545  8397  8398
[13]  1032  8396  8393  5128 40973 40974 45064  8394 32781   206 36872 32778
[25] 32777  5640 36876 32776 45066  8334   200   138   136     8    72  8264
[37]  1544  8332  1802  1288  8328  1546  8268  8330  8205    76   204   141
[49]   140  8204 40972  8266   137  1290    74  1800 32780  5896 40968   205
[61]   202   201  8329  8270  5385  5898  5642

[1] 0

 [1] 1073741824 1073968181 1073954817 1075838976 1073968129 1073755137
 [7] 1073755189 1075852341 1076065281 1946383413 1073969013 1073954869
[13] 1075852289 1076065333 1076051969 1075576832 1075590145 1075803189

 [1] 14  8  9  2  0  6 15  3 13 11 12  1  7 10  5  4

So, in our dataset, state_1km has 67 distinct values, gflags variable has 1 so we are not going to use this one, qc_500m has 18 distinct values, and q_scan variable has 16 unique values. We need to convert this integers into bits and then, make sense of those bits. This is going to be our first part of the exploration.

Using bits in R

So, how do we accomplish this in R? Fortunately, we have some functions in base R specifically designed to handle this type of information. In our case, the function intToBits() will be particularly helpful. For instance, let’s consider one of the values from the q_scan variable: the integer 14.

 [1] 00 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[26] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

That’s quite a lengthy bit string! It contains more information than necessary. Therefore, we need to shorten this bit string and convert it into an integer.

[1] 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
  • Remember that this has to be read from left to right. So the first bit is 0.
  • The 8 bits are numbered from 0 to 7 (as opposed to the R default).
  • Each bit represents a power of 2.
  • We need to reverse this bit string
bit_string <- as.integer(intToBits(14)[1:8])
[1] 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

Binary conversion

Every pixel in the satellite images contains an integer value that must be converted to a bit binary value for interpretation. At first, it seems complicated but the documentation will help us here. For any sensor, we would need to check the documentation in order to perform any binary conversion and interpretation.

There is also a good video from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) that explains the process for the interpretation of the binary conversion with the documentation. From minute 2:34 of this USGS video it shows the process of the binary conversion.

How can I apply the idea to our MODIS data?

We’ve covered the basics of understanding bits, binary conversion, and interpretation. But how do we put this knowledge to use with our dataset? This is where Steve Mosher’s blog post comes in handy.

Let’s start by taking a single value from the qc_500m variable in our dataset: 1075803189. Here are the steps we’ll follow:

  • Utilize the intToBits() function to obtain the binary representation.
  • Shorten the lengthy bit string to only include the necessary bits.
  • Reverse the order of the bits.
# Using one bitmask value from the dataset
bits <- as.integer(intToBits(1075803189)[1:32])
 [1] 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
# Reverse
 [1] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

Ok! It looks like it works. But I’m not sure, so let’s perform the same process but using the example from the USGS video.

Process validation

In the USGS video explanation, they show the binary conversion process with an example. I’m going to use the same integer value 1131675649 to validate if our code steps work as expected.

USGS video integer example

The bit string obtained from the binary conversion should be:

USGS bit string example

That bit string should be matched with the categories assigned and described in the documentation:

USGS bit string quality categories
#  Using the example value from video
binary_conversion <- as.integer(intToBits(1131675649)[1:32])
bit_string <- binary_conversion[32:1]

# This one is the result of the binary transformation from the video
validation <- c(0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)

# Check if object is the same as the one written by hand
stopifnot(bit_string == validation)

Success! Our results does match the final output. Now that I know for sure our code works, I’m going to apply the same logical conditions to the complete dataset.

Code to apply the bit string conversion to the variables

Now that I understand the steps required for the conversion, I need to further develop the code to apply it to each variable with a bit mask. On this first try, I will do it with the variable qc_500m.

For this variable, I’ll create a dataset containing the qc_ints variable, which includes the 18 unique integer values from qc_500m and an additional observation from the USGS video example for test validation. Next, I’ll add 32 more variables, each representing a bit from the binary conversion process.

## Create column with unique values and add one validation (from the video)
qc_data <- data.frame(qc_ints = c(unique(reflectance_500$qc_500m), 1131675649))

## Create empty data frame. This case is 32 given that the variable
## `qc_500m` have 32 bits
for (i in c(31:0)) {
  qc_data[, paste0("bit_", i)] <- NA

Here is how the data frame looks like:


So far, we have a dataframe with 33 variables (one with the original integers values and 32 more to fill with the bit strings) and 19 observations. Now I can loop through each of the bits variables filling them with the values from the binary conversion result from the original integers

# Loop for obtaining bit string from unique values in the variable
z <- 1
for (i in qc_data$qc_ints) {
  # print(i)
  transformed <- as.integer(intToBits(i)[1:32])
  qc_data[z, 2:33] <- transformed[32:1]
  z <- z + 1

# Check the data frame

Every bit variable is filled with 0's or 1's. Looks good, but I want to validate with the USGS example observation we added at the beginning if I’m obtaining the correct bit strings:

## Create test according to value in video
process_test <- qc_data |> 
  filter(qc_ints == 1131675649) |>
  select(-qc_ints) |>
  unite(col = "new", bit_31:bit_0, sep = "") |> 

stopifnot(process_test == "01000011011101000000000000000001")

With the code now successfully converting binary values, we can proceed to categorize the quality of each pixel based on the documentation guidelines.

Categories for each of the bit strings

Continuing with the variable qc_500m from which I have already the bit strings, I can follow the MODIS documentation to add the categories for each combination of bits.

This steps can be done in two different (but similar) ways: using conditionals for each of the bits, or joining the variables with the specific bits.


First possible solution

This one will take the bits separately and use the boolean & to categorize the information contained in the bit string:

qc_data |> 
  mutate(modland_qa = case_when(
    bit_1 == 0 & bit_0 == 0 ~ "ideal quality - all bands",
    bit_1 == 0 & bit_0 == 1 ~ "less than ideal quality - some or all bands",
    bit_1 == 1 & bit_0 == 0 ~ "product not produced due to cloud effects",
    bit_1 == 1 & bit_0 == 1 ~ "product not produced for other reasons",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  select(qc_ints, bit_1, bit_0, modland_qa) |> 

Second possible solution

For this one, I will join the bits and then categorize each one accordingly:

# Second possible solution
qc_data |> 
  unite(col = "modland", c("bit_1", "bit_0"), sep = "") |> 
  mutate(modland_qa = case_when(
    modland == "00" ~ "ideal quality - all bands",
    modland == "01" ~ "less than ideal quality - some or all bands",
    modland == "10" ~ "product not produced due to cloud effects",
    modland == "11" ~ "product not produced for other reasons",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  select(qc_ints, modland, modland_qa) |> 

Considering that I’ll need to write out each condition to categorize them according to the documentation, I believe it would be more manageable and readable to follow the second solution. For each series of bits, I’ll merge them as a single column and categorize them.

qc_500m complete bit string categories

The following code chunk includes all the steps needed to incorporate the all the categories specified in the MODIS documentation. First, it merges the required bits into columns, then it generates the categorizations based on the documentation guidelines. The result is a data frame that contains the categorized values corresponding to the original integers in our variable.

From the documentation, we have which bit strings should be considered together to classify the values into categories. Based on those bit positions, we are going to unite the columns to obtain the bit combination. For example, for the Parameter Name MODLAND QA bits, we have to take the bit in position 0 and the bit position 1, which can have 4 different combinations: 00, 01, 10, and 11. Each of those 4 combinations will be categorized into their respective categories.

Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band Quality Description
qc_500_description <- qc_data |> 
  unite(col = "modland", c("bit_1", "bit_0"), sep = "") |> 
  unite(col = "band_1", 
        c("bit_5", "bit_4", "bit_3", "bit_2"), sep = "") |> 
  unite(col = "band_2", 
        c("bit_9", "bit_8", "bit_7", "bit_6"), sep = "") |> 
  unite(col = "band_3", 
        c("bit_13", "bit_12", "bit_11", "bit_10"), sep = "") |> 
  unite(col = "band_4", 
        c("bit_17", "bit_16", "bit_15", "bit_14"), sep = "") |> 
  unite(col = "band_5", 
        c("bit_21", "bit_20", "bit_19", "bit_18"), sep = "") |> 
  unite(col = "band_6", 
        c("bit_25", "bit_24", "bit_23", "bit_22"), sep = "") |>
  unite(col = "band_7", 
        c("bit_29", "bit_28", "bit_27", "bit_26"), sep = "") |> 
  mutate(modland_qa = case_when(
    modland == "00" ~ "ideal quality - all bands",
    modland == "01" ~ "less than ideal quality - some or all bands",
    modland == "10" ~ "product not produced due to cloud effects",
    modland == "11" ~ "product not produced for other reasons",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(band1_qa = case_when(
    band_1 == "0000" ~ "highest_quality",
    band_1 == "0111" ~ "noisy detector",
    band_1 == "1000" ~ "dead detector, data interpolated in L1B",
    band_1 == "1001" ~ "solar zenith >= 86 degrees",
    band_1 == "1010" ~ "solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees",
    band_1 == "1011" ~ "missing input",
    band_1 == "1100" ~ "internal constant used",
    band_1 == "1101" ~ "correction out of bounds",
    band_1 == "1110" ~ "L1B data faulty",
    band_1 == "1111" ~ "not processed due to deep ocean or clouds",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(band2_qa = case_when(
    band_2 == "0000" ~ "highest_quality",
    band_2 == "0111" ~ "noisy detector",
    band_2 == "1000" ~ "dead detector, data interpolated in L1B",
    band_2 == "1001" ~ "solar zenith >= 86 degrees",
    band_2 == "1010" ~ "solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees",
    band_2 == "1011" ~ "missing input",
    band_2 == "1100" ~ "internal constant used",
    band_2 == "1101" ~ "correction out of bounds",
    band_2 == "1110" ~ "L1B data faulty",
    band_2 == "1111" ~ "not processed due to deep ocean or clouds",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(band3_qa = case_when(
    band_3 == "0000" ~ "highest_quality",
    band_3 == "0111" ~ "noisy detector",
    band_3 == "1000" ~ "dead detector, data interpolated in L1B",
    band_3 == "1001" ~ "solar zenith >= 86 degrees",
    band_3 == "1010" ~ "solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees",
    band_3 == "1011" ~ "missing input",
    band_3 == "1100" ~ "internal constant used",
    band_3 == "1101" ~ "correction out of bounds",
    band_3 == "1110" ~ "L1B data faulty",
    band_3 == "1111" ~ "not processed due to deep ocean or clouds",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(band4_qa = case_when(
    band_4 == "0000" ~ "highest_quality",
    band_4 == "0111" ~ "noisy detector",
    band_4 == "1000" ~ "dead detector, data interpolated in L1B",
    band_4 == "1001" ~ "solar zenith >= 86 degrees",
    band_4 == "1010" ~ "solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees",
    band_4 == "1011" ~ "missing input",
    band_4 == "1100" ~ "internal constant used",
    band_4 == "1101" ~ "correction out of bounds",
    band_4 == "1110" ~ "L1B data faulty",
    band_4 == "1111" ~ "not processed due to deep ocean or clouds",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(band5_qa = case_when(
    band_5 == "0000" ~ "highest_quality",
    band_5 == "0111" ~ "noisy detector",
    band_5 == "1000" ~ "dead detector, data interpolated in L1B",
    band_5 == "1001" ~ "solar zenith >= 86 degrees",
    band_5 == "1010" ~ "solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees",
    band_5 == "1011" ~ "missing input",
    band_5 == "1100" ~ "internal constant used",
    band_5 == "1101" ~ "correction out of bounds",
    band_5 == "1110" ~ "L1B data faulty",
    band_5 == "1111" ~ "not processed due to deep ocean or clouds",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(band6_qa = case_when(
    band_6 == "0000" ~ "highest_quality",
    band_6 == "0111" ~ "noisy detector",
    band_6 == "1000" ~ "dead detector, data interpolated in L1B",
    band_6 == "1001" ~ "solar zenith >= 86 degrees",
    band_6 == "1010" ~ "solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees",
    band_6 == "1011" ~ "missing input",
    band_6 == "1100" ~ "internal constant used",
    band_6 == "1101" ~ "correction out of bounds",
    band_6 == "1110" ~ "L1B data faulty",
    band_6 == "1111" ~ "not processed due to deep ocean or clouds",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(band7_qa = case_when(
    band_7 == "0000" ~ "highest_quality",
    band_7 == "0111" ~ "noisy detector",
    band_7 == "1000" ~ "dead detector, data interpolated in L1B",
    band_7 == "1001" ~ "solar zenith >= 86 degrees",
    band_7 == "1010" ~ "solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees",
    band_7 == "1011" ~ "missing input",
    band_7 == "1100" ~ "internal constant used",
    band_7 == "1101" ~ "correction out of bounds",
    band_7 == "1110" ~ "L1B data faulty",
    band_7 == "1111" ~ "not processed due to deep ocean or clouds",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(atmospheric_correction = ifelse(bit_30 == 0, "no", "yes"),
         adjacency_correction = ifelse(bit_31 == 0, "no", "yes"))


That’s a big table, so to understand better, let’s check just the MODLAND QA bits categorization:

qc_500_description |> 
        select(modland, modland_qa, qc_ints) |> 

From our dataset, I obtained two of the categories from the total 4. The qc_ints have 19 different observations in total, but those integers will give us information for the rest of the parameters.

Proof of concept for 16 bits

So far I have all the steps to perform the binary conversion for a variable that consist of 32 bits. However, other variables may use fewer bits, such as state_1km which uses 16 bits. Here, I’m going to apply the same process described above to this variable, with some changes in the code indicating the quantity of bits to be used.

## Check unique values and add one validation (from the video)
qc_data <- data.frame(qc_ints = c(unique(reflectance_500$state_1km),

## Create empty data frame. This case is 32 given that the variable
## `qc_500m` have 32 bits
for (i in c(15:0)) {
  qc_data[, paste0("bit_", i)] <- NA

# Loop for obtaining bit string from unique values in the variable
z <- 1
for (i in qc_data$qc_ints) {
  # print(i)
  transformed <- as.integer(intToBits(i)[1:16])
  qc_data[z, 2:17] <- transformed[16:1]
  z <- z + 1

## Create test according to value in video
process_test <- qc_data |> 
  filter(qc_ints == 1131675649) |>
  select(-qc_ints) |>
  unite(col = "new", bit_15:bit_0, sep = "") |> 

stopifnot(process_test == "0000000000000001")

Looks like we were able to successfully pass our test. Let’s check how the dataset with the binary conversion looks like:


Creating a Function for the Bit String Conversion

At this point I have code that repeats the same steps for each variable. Instead of copying and pasting all the code repeatedly just to change the number of bits, we can refactor it into a function.

The function will take the variable name and the number of bits required for the binary conversion as arguments. Since we’ve already validated the steps using a known integer, we can incorporate this test within the function. The function will return a data frame.

# Transform this to a function
obtain_bit_qc_df <- function(variable, bits) {
  ## Check unique values and add one validation (from the video)
  qc_data <- data.frame(qc_ints = c(unique(reflectance_500[[variable]]),
  ## Create empty data frame. 
  ## Take into account the number of bits needed.
  total_bits = bits - 1
  for (i in c(total_bits:0)) {
    qc_data[, paste0("bit_", i)] <- NA
  # Loop for obtaining bit string from unique values in the variable
  bit_col <- bits + 1
  z <- 1
  for (i in qc_data$qc_ints) {
    # print(i)
    transformed <- as.integer(intToBits(i)[1:bits])
    qc_data[z, 2:bit_col] <- transformed[bits:1]
    z <- z + 1
  ## Create test according to value in video
  final_bit <- paste0("bit_", total_bits)
  process_test <- qc_data |> 
    filter(qc_ints == 1131675649) |>
    select(-qc_ints) |>
    unite(col = "new", everything(), sep = "") |> 
  test_object <- stringr::str_sub("01000011011101000000000000000001",
                                  start = -bits, end = -1)

  stopifnot(process_test == test_object) 

Testing the function with state_1km

Let’s use the function on the state_1km variable to check if it works. Then, let’s compare the result with the dataset we created step by step to validate if we can obtain the same result.

# Obtain the bit string using the function
qc_data_function <- obtain_bit_qc_df(variable = "state_1km", bits = 16)

# Compare last qc_data from state_1km and new qc_data created with function
stopifnot(qc_data$bit_14 == qc_data_function$bit_14)

# Check dimensions
stopifnot(dim(qc_data) == dim(qc_data_function))

Seems that it works! With the function we obtained the same dimensions of the dataset than before. Let’s now create the categories for each of the bit strings

# Create the categories according to documentation
state_1km__description <- qc_data_function |> 
  unite(col = "cloud_state", c("bit_1", "bit_0"), sep = "") |> 
  unite(col = "land_water_flag",
        c("bit_5", "bit_4", "bit_3"), sep = "") |>
  unite(col = "aerosol_quantity",
        c("bit_7", "bit_6"), sep = "") |>
  unite(col = "cirrus_detected",
        c("bit_9", "bit_8"), sep = "") |>
  mutate(cloud_state_qa = case_when(
    cloud_state == "00" ~ "clear",
    cloud_state == "01" ~ "cloudy",
    cloud_state == "10" ~ "mixed",
    cloud_state == "11" ~ "not set, assumed clear",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(cloud_shadow_qa = ifelse(bit_2 == 1, "yes", "no")) |> 
    mutate(land_water_qa = case_when(
    land_water_flag == "000" ~ "shallow ocean",
    land_water_flag == "001" ~ "land",
    land_water_flag == "010" ~ "ocean coastlines and lake shorelines",
    land_water_flag == "011" ~ "shallow inland water",
    land_water_flag == "100" ~ "ephemeral water",
    land_water_flag == "101" ~ "deep inland water",
    land_water_flag == "110" ~ "continental/moderate ocean",
    land_water_flag == "111" ~ "deep ocean",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
    mutate(aerosol_quantity_qa = case_when(
    aerosol_quantity == "00" ~ "climatology",
    aerosol_quantity == "01" ~ "low",
    aerosol_quantity == "10" ~ "average",
    aerosol_quantity == "11" ~ "high",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
    mutate(cirrus_detected_qa = case_when(
    cirrus_detected == "00" ~ "none",
    cirrus_detected == "01" ~ "small",
    cirrus_detected == "10" ~ "average",
    cirrus_detected == "11" ~ "high",
    TRUE ~ "No info, please validate bit conversion"
  )) |> 
  mutate(cloud_flag_qa = ifelse(bit_10 == 1, "cloud", "no cloud"),
         fire_flag_qa = ifelse(bit_11 == 1, "fire", "no fire"),
         snow_ice_flag_qa = ifelse(bit_12 == 1, "yes", "no"),
         pixel_adjacent_cloud_qa = ifelse(bit_13 == 1, "yes", "no"),
         salt_pan_qa = ifelse(bit_14 == 1, "yes", "no"),
         snow_mask_qa = ifelse(bit_15 == 1, "yes", "no"))

Now, let’s check the resulting dataset:

state_1km__description |> 
        select(-starts_with("bit")) |> 

Testing the function with q_scan

# Obtain the bit string
qc_data <- obtain_bit_qc_df(variable = "q_scan", bits = 8)

# Create the categories according to documentation
q_scan_description <- qc_data |> 
  mutate(scan_quadrant_1 = ifelse(bit_0 == 1, "yes", "no"),
         scan_quadrant_2 = ifelse(bit_0 == 1, "yes", "no"),
         scan_quadrant_3 = ifelse(bit_0 == 1, "yes", "no"),
         scan_quadrant_4 = ifelse(bit_0 == 1, "yes", "no"),
         missing_obs_1 = ifelse(bit_1 == 1, "same", "different"),
         missing_obs_2 = ifelse(bit_1 == 1, "same", "different"),
         missing_obs_3 = ifelse(bit_1 == 1, "same", "different"),
         missing_obs_4 = ifelse(bit_1 == 1, "same", "different"))

q_scan_description |> 

Conclusions on the bit conversion

  • The function I developed successfully performs the bit mask conversion.
  • This function can be exported to a new file and documented formally for use in the next steps of the data analysis*.
  • After applying the function, it is necessary to incorporate the corresponding categories based on the official MODIS documentation.
  • The new data frames, containing the bit strings and categories for each unique value, will be used to filter the original observations from the datasets according to their quality.

*The documented function is available in one of the GitHub repository thesis files where it was used to perform the analysis for my thesis.

Quality filtering

With the function validated and the categories for each bit-masked variable obtained from the MODIS documentation, I can now proceed to filter out pixels with low quality.

Filter by state_1km

Let’s start with state_1km. Here I will get the categories we want that indicate the best possible observations in the dataset. One we have those observations, we will obtain the qc_ints values.

# quality values from state_1km
# bit 6-7 and bit 13 can be anything as regarded by richard
state_1km_highest_quality <- state_1km__description |>
  filter(cloud_state_qa == "clear") |> 
  filter(cloud_shadow_qa == "no") |>
  filter(land_water_qa == "land") |> 
  filter(cirrus_detected_qa == "none") |> 
  filter(bit_10 == "0") |> 
  filter(fire_flag_qa == "no fire") |> 
  filter(snow_ice_flag_qa == "no") |> 
  filter(bit_14 == "0") |> 
  filter(bit_15 == "0") |> 
  # Select the qc_ints values as a vector
  select(qc_ints) |> 

[1] 8392  200  136    8   72 8264 8328

Filter by qc_500m

# quality values from qc_500
# All should be 0 for all of the bits, except for 
qc_500_highest_quality <- qc_500_description |>
  filter(modland_qa == "ideal quality - all bands") |>
  filter(band1_qa == "highest_quality") |>
  filter(band2_qa == "highest_quality") |>
  filter(band3_qa == "highest_quality") |>
  filter(band4_qa == "highest_quality") |>
  filter(band5_qa == "highest_quality") |>
  filter(band6_qa == "highest_quality") |>
  filter(band7_qa == "highest_quality") |>
  filter(atmospheric_correction == "yes") |>
  # filter(adjacency_correction == "yes") |> 
  select(qc_ints) |> 

[1] 1073741824

Filter by q_scan and gflags

For our original dataset, the variable gflags has only one unique value, so it doesn’t provide much information. In the case of q_scan, we will exclude this variable from the analysis.

Filtering the Complete Data with Selected Bitmasks

So far, I have identified the bitmasks that indicate the highest quality, allowing me to filter out the remaining data from the reflectance_500 dataset.

state_1km_filter <- reflectance_500 |> 
  filter(state_1km %in% state_1km_highest_quality) |> 

[1] 4586

These numbers of observations represent the filtering based solely on the state_1km variable. Now, I will continue with the qc_500 variable:

state_1km_filter_qc_500 <- reflectance_500 |> 
  filter(state_1km %in% state_1km_highest_quality) |> 
  filter(qc_500m %in% qc_500_highest_quality) |> 

[1] 4319

Some plots with clean reflectance_500 data

reflectance_500 |> 
  filter(state_1km %in% state_1km_highest_quality) |> 
  select(date) |> 
  # pull() |> 
  mutate(year_month = zoo::as.yearmon(date)) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = date)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 30) +
  scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b%Y", breaks = "months") +
        theme_light(base_size = 12) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, h = 1)) +
  labs(x = "Date",
       y = "Number of pixels",
       title = "Borden  MODIS pixels per month after quality filtering")

Final notes

  • A function such as obtain_bit_qc_df() can be used to do the bit string conversion repeatedly in the dataset.
  • A second function that contains all the data quality categories can be useful to perform the operation on the objects resulting of applying the obtain_bit_qc_df(). On this blog post we didn’t create that function but you can check an example of it here

This blog post is derived from my early development notes on my thesis work (Hernández Mora 2024). If you’d like to explore the code further, you can visit my thesis repository, where I have documented everything and made it publicly accessible in an effort of open science.


Hernández Mora, Ronny A. 2024. Assessing uncertainties related to the use of satellite remote sensing indices to estimate Gross Primary Production: Code and source files. Zenodo.
Vermote, Wolfe, E. 2021. “MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 1km and 500m SIN Grid V061.” NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center.



BibTeX citation:
@online{a. hernandez mora2024,
  author = {A. Hernandez Mora, Ronny},
  title = {MODIS Pixel Bit Strings Conversion with {R}},
  date = {2024-08-24},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
A. Hernandez Mora, Ronny. 2024. “MODIS Pixel Bit Strings Conversion with R.” August 24, 2024.